Once I start I have trouble stopping. I even have another one in the works.
The cover of the yellow one (6 x 9 inches) is actually a very old Manila envelope. I bought a whole stack at an estate sale last Winter. I like incorporating envelopes in books because you can store things in the envelope.
The blue and white one is 6 inches x 9 inches and mostly watercolor paper inside.
The 2 green and white flower books are 6 x 6 inches and are filled with a combination of reclaimed papers from old books and security envelopes. You can see part of a security envelope on the one standing open.
The 2 smaller white ones are approximately 4.5 x 6.5 inches give or take a few cm. Hopefully one of them will become quite colorful very soon. I'm taking an online class with Kelly Kilmer during July. Which was the impetus for the book making spree.
Three of the books are simple single signatures and 3 are stab bound.
On another note, Mariah and I went to World Market today to pick up a few bottles of Italian syrup for mixing Italian soda's. I have figured out that making our own costs about $1. compared to the coffee shop version at almost $4.