I am writing this on the kitchen computer.
We will soon turn one of the bedrooms into a new home for the NEW computer that isn't even out of the box yet...an iMac!
I can't wait to try something NEW!
Meanwhile, I can't post pictures, because, I can't upload them.
I have tons of pictures: Art, Nashville, my new classes at the preschool...
This has been an extremely busy week. Have you noticed that when the kids have a few days off of school the rest of the week seems overly busy?
Monday and Tuesday we had fun in Nashville. We visited the Country Music Hall of Fame, The Lane Motor Museum, and Andrew Jackson's home called The Hermitage. All were way cool. The Motor Museum was my favorite though. Check it out online at
http://lanemotormuseum.org/The rest of the week blurs it goes so fast and was so full. So in the evenings I would colapse in front of the computer. When I sat down a few days ago and was surfing I found this
http://rodrigvitzstyle.typepad.com/rodrigvitz_style/2008/10/dia-de-los-muertos-in-bloglandia.htmlSeriously check this out. Tis the season for dia de los muertos and this looks like a lot of fun.
Last night I checked out Ali Edwards blog
http://aliedwards.typepad.com/to check out the latest in the Week in the Life type of project. She had great pictures up and an ad for this FREE class called Stories in Hand.
http://www.jessicasprague.com/ANYONE can take this free class it isn't just for scrapbook people. We all have stories to tell and I Will take this class.
AND I've been looking into scrapbooking because I have 25 years worth of pictures sitting in boxes and baskets. They are not in order because little hands have sifted through them over the years. Jordan in particular has always loved to go through pictures. I'd love to get my pictures organized so each of the girls has their Story. It is daunting and if I think too hard, it will never get done.
Of course, first I have to get the new computer room set up...so wish me luck on clearing that room today!