Friday, February 20, 2009

Finally a FO

That is a Finished object.
Okay it is blocking today.
I finished the border on this pi shawl in October, but never seemed to find the time to block it.

Today while reading blogs I happened upon soulmama's blog. She has a sweet little shawl on there today knit out of Noro sock yarn, which I found interesting.

Anyway. Seeing that little shawl prompted me to block this baby. Why it took me 2 years to knit the border and then almost 5 months to block it, I don't know. It is beautiful.
More info for those who want to know. This was a Mystery Pi Shawl and is now known as Desert Sun.
Mine is much smaller than the one pictured in such a sunny yellow. Mine should possibly be called something other than Desert Sun.

checking out patterns and stash yarn for a simple little shawl for a friend.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

a late Valentine Card

the front
the back
This card is similar to the one I made on Tuesday evening as a sample for my Wednesday class.
I gave that card to my friend Sally.
I was really just playing this morning.  I like the one I made early in the week a little better.
I like the way I folded the cards so they could stand alone and not lay flat. 
 The ones the kids made didn't have the music so there were 4 sections for them to work with on the front and 4 on the back.
  Only one child wanted to work on the back.  I also let them go wild with flower stickers. (Thanks to Cindy for giving me all those stickers from the Easter Egg dye last year. I cut the flower section off to use with these cards.)


Forget about it

It has been a week!
Here is a picture of Bailey after he was washed and groomed last Monday.  He is a pretty boy again not so shaggy.

We did lose power again, lucky for us it was only for a few hours this time.
School was open even though 14 schools were without power.

Mariah was sick most of the week, started with a sore throat and then progressed to flu like symptoms.  Thursday she lay on the sofa with her eyes covered and the curtains closed because of a massive headache.  Saturday I did the same thing.  Such a nice way to spend Valentines day.
I couldn't even knit. I missed the Soul Journal Valentines Day Blog Party too!

Wednesday I made Valentines with my class of 6 little girls.  I had to help with the ink but they had lots of fun with the stamps and stickers.  I'll see if I can recreate my sample to post a picture. (I gave the sample to a friend, cause that's what you do with Valentines)

who has just realized that there were NO Pictures taken of Me on My Birthday week before last.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

You say it's your Birthday!

 Jordan turned 21 today!  Here she is holding the socks I knit for her.  She loves brown and pink and was thrilled.  She and I spent the afternoon together.  First we had Mexican food and then we went shopping.  Now we are waiting on pizza.  

Mariah missed school today due to a throat infection.

I finished the cardigan except for buttons last night.

We are due to get rain and high winds here tomorrow.  If I don't post a cute picture of Bailey here tomorrow (he just got groomed), then we are without power.... again.

I'm busy gathering bits and pieces of stuff to make Valentines with my class of 3 yr old girls tomorrow.  Hope they have fun.  I know I will.  I'll try to take pictures of them creating.


Sunday, February 08, 2009

end of a long two weeks

Dave was too tired to take Bailey for a walk last night.  Instead they opted for a cuddle on the floor, both fell asleep.  
I stayed up and finished the first sleeve on the Ice Storm cardigan.  I hadn't picked it up in a few days and in no time at all I had a finished sleeve.  When you are used to knitting on size one needles, size 9's make cloth quickly.
Hopefully I can post pictures soon.


Saturday, February 07, 2009

ICE = Not Nice

I know it is old news the Ice Storm of 09.  However, it took a week long bite out of my life and I thought I would share a few pictures.
I woke up in the wee hours of January 28th to the sound of trees cracking and falling.  I stood at the back door watching the next door neighbors tree fall to bits. It sounded like gun shots all over the neighborhood.  Power was out before 10 that morning and didn't come back on until the night of Feb. 3rd.  
Mom's power went out too.  Lucky for us, Jordan offered us a place to stay, her apartment was crowded but warm.  Warm means a lot.  DH stayed nights in the cold (35 degrees cold) house with the dogs.  He says the worst was getting out of the HOT shower into the 35 degree house.

 I didn't even lose a lot of food because I was able to store it outside in the garage.  I fixed dinner every night we were at Jordan's.

While at Jordan's I tried to knit on socks, but dark gray wool on dark wood needles was very hard to see.  So while checking the house and letting the dogs out on Thursday the 29th I picked up a Pure and Simple pattern for a top down cardigan and a huge skein of Fisherman's yarn and size 9 needles (bright green metal tips) and started the sweater.  I finished the body and have started on the arms.  It was quite nice to sit with the bulk of that sweater on my lap during the time away from home.

Anyway, Mom's power came back on Last Friday and we moved to her Huge house last Saturday.  It is amazing how much stuff I had to move from place to place.  I really missed being at home with my stash.

click on the pictures to make them big.  The second one really sparkles.