We don't get much snow and ice here in Louisville, but in the last few weeks we have had both. Here is a picture of my weeping tree out in the front yard. It was covered in ice on Friday morning. (click for close up of ice)
Thursday while I was at work the powers that be called off public school at 10 in the morning. I received 3 phone calls in the space of 5 minutes.
Mom: "Did you know they just called school off?"
Mariah: "Mom, they just called school off!"
Jordan: "Mom, did you know that school has been called off?"
I called Dave...Honey, is it busy at the hospital, they just called school off?"
He couldn't pick Mariah up they were in the middle of a pediatric case. So I tried to get someone to cover my class so I could go pick up Mariah. After 10 minutes of rushing around and getting things settled I got another phone call from Jordan. "Mom, Chris is downtown, he wants to know if you want him to pick up Mariah?" YES! So a few more phone calls, to Mariah and to Chris(Jordan's boyfriend) and things were settled. Cell phones = Good!
We had to call parents to pick up the preschool and MDO kids early. I actually was feeding my class lunch at 11 when parents started showing up. Mariah and Chris showed up about then too and one of the mom's asked if Chris was my husband. I laughed and said no, he was my oldest daughter's boyfriend. So I now will post a picture of my husband Dave with our goldendoodle Bailey and Bailey's favorite toy: bunny.

For the record Chris and Dave look nothing alike.
Chris wears a hat 90% of the time as he is going bald. Yes.
See a photo of him from Jordan's birthday.
Dave has a lot of hair, even if it is cut short.
Bailey has even more hair and we all want curls like Bailey. Well, maybe not Dave.
Check out my flickr acct if you want to see more photos of ATC cards.http://www.flickr.com/photos/16932110@N04/
1 comment:
But Dave sure is pretty, even without the curls!
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