Tuesday, August 01, 2006

headaches, hair loss and friendship

I haven't had a migraine in months. Yesterday, between stress and PMS I had a doozy. I still have a bit of a headache on the left side of my head around my eye.

I go to my regular doctor today to talk about the lump and the fact that I have been losing a significant amount of hair on a daily basis. I didn't say anything last visit because I was a bit preoccupied with the lump.
My hair is fine, but usually fairly thick. Not so anymore. The last month I've lost a lot of hair.
It's scary.

Today is also an Odd Tuesday. A few years ago my friend Annie decided that our group of knitters and spinners should meet on Odd Numbered Tuesday's at the local Barnes and Noble coffee shop to eat cheesecake, drink fine coffee and spin or knit. If we attract a few people over to the pursuit of fiber, that would be great. Since then Annie has moved to Las Vegas, and there are still 3 or 4 of us that meet almost every odd numbered Tuesday. We miss Annie though.

At least 2 of us will show up this evening to sit in the cool and talk and knit. Sometimes we even bring our kids. Anita comes from South East Indiana. She drives 1 1/2 hours to be with us and Cindy drives about an hour from her house.

It is a reminder that friendships take work. You have to nurture each other and plan for ways to get together in this busy modern world. In these days of email, blogs and cell phones it is easy to communicate, but not so easy to feel close to family and friends.
Make time.
Phone someone you haven't seen in a while and invite them to lunch or meet at a coffee shop to catch up and just be together.

This summer instead of not hearing from the women I work with we have had 3 get togethers.
One woman is from Iran, she had us over for food and had her friends help and we all got to know more about her and her home country and customs. Another is from Greece and we learned all about greek food and looked at modern greek publications. Then there was the baby shower for one of the ladies. Good food, good fun and we all got to see each other and talk to each other, something we don't get to do while teaching 3 and 4 year old children.

Tomorrow I will go to lunch with 2 other women I work with and then on to a yarn shop because we all knit and want to see each other more.

Friendship, like any relationship takes work. Call someone you haven't seen in awhile and let them know you were thinking about them.


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